ThetaHealing: A Self-Healing Method For Our Times!

fire-and-Ice-dragon-dragons-fire-and-ice-32483649-1366-768The Laws of the Universe allow for what we experience as miracles.  ThetaHealing is the learned art of co-creating miracles.  My name is Lynda Chaikin, and I teach people to facilitate Grace – to co-create healings that are physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial.  People who take the first two 3 day ThetaHealing Certification Classes with me are quickly able to facilitate these healings for themselves, friends, and family, and – if they choose – professionally.

ThetaHealing is one of the most powerful energy-healing techniques that has ever been written in a text and allows your faith, intelligence and subconscious to work for you.  Science has shown that approximately 90% of our brain works unconsciously, and the beliefs and feelings we have there determine our physical health, our choices, and the circumstances we keep creating in our lives.  ThetaHealers are taught to easily identify limiting beliefs and feelings, and quickly change them to ones that serve our intentions.

While I love doing ThetaHealing sessions in person and by phone, and find my clients’ results deeply moving, my greatest joy is teaching ThetaHealing to others.  These 3 day Intensives transform students into more resourceful, resilient and empowered people.  You will leavewith skills that will benefit you for a lifetime and with which you can be an even greater blessing in the world.  My students are supported beyond the classes through a contact list of classmates they can trade with in person or by phone, my availability as a mentor, and a professionally supervised ThetaHealing practice group that meets twice a month in Santa Cruz.

I became certified as a ThetaHealer after it saved my life seven years ago through the genetic healing of depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder. Both of my grandmothers had shock treatment and institutionalization for the same conditions at around the same age I was at the time.  I had become severely suicidal after 14 years of 12 failed psychiatric medication protocols and two rounds of homeopathy that had failed. I’d made it through 18 months of withdrawal off the meds and was taking a $700 regimen of supplements a month.  It was failing. I called a ThetaHealer in Colorado that I’d heard interviewed on the radio just after I’d written a letter to God demanding mercy if I was to stay on the planet.

In my very first ThetaHealing session, she healed genetic depression, genetic anxiety, and balanced my neurotransmitters – over the phone!  I have since passed this healing on to several clients who are enjoying freedom from long term use of antidepressants. Now I teach people to be able to do this along with countless other healings.  We are capable of so much more than we’ve been led to believe!

Originally Published here

About the author: admin

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