1. Holistic comes from the word “whole” and considers the whole person, not just the condition or symptom that is being presented.
2. Holistic Healing Therapy is an art and science of healing that addresses the whole person – body, mind and spirit
3. Holistic Healing Therapy aims at balancing the energy system and healing the person not the body. It searches for theroot cause of the symptoms and recognises that the physical illnesses are symptoms of energy imbalance. Symptoms are regarded as the body’s expression of imbalances and attempt to return to homeostasis.
4. Holistic Healing Therapy recognises that healing comes fromwithin and therefore sees the client as an active participant in their healing process.
5. Holistic Healing Therapy evaluates many aspects of the persons life such as family situation, work environment, social relationships, mental conditions, attitudes and emotions, thinking patterns, cultural traditions and relationships with self and others.
6. Holistic therapists do not aim to diagnose and give a label of a named “disease” and then treat it. They start with an assessmentof energy imbalances in the body by examining the energy flow, posture, energy level, pain level, stress level, aura, chakras, flexibility, pulses, etc. Then they use energy balancing techniquessuch as massage, nutritional balance, emotional stress release, awareness in thinking patterns and limiting beliefs, life-style changes (such as better nutrition, exercise, relaxation, reconnection with family, friends, nature and self).
7. Holistic therapists aim to establish what kind a person has adis-ease and aims to balance the person (rather than establish what kind of named “disease” a person has and treat this named “disease”).
8. Holistic therapists recognise that illness, pain and dying process are all being leaning opportunities for the client and the therapist. They recognise the healing power of love, hope, believe, humour and enthusiasm. They recognise that unconditional love is the most powerful medicine and strive to adopt an attitude of unconditional love for their clients, themselves and all that is.
9. Holistic therapists recognise that every person is unique and different. They don’t offer a “cure” based on individual stories of success or personal experiences. They don’t advise their clients to stop their medications or treatment and start a “better” therapy. They support their clients in their own healing journey and recognise that the client has the responsibility to choose their treatment.
10. Holistic therapists strive to be living examples for their clients.
11. Holistic philosophy is one of prevention, exploration and wellness.
12. Holistic Health is defined as unlimited and unimpeded free flow of life force energy through body, mind and spirit.
Originally published here