Solid matter as we conventionally understand it does not exist in the universe. For all particles are merely vibrations of energy. Even the atoms that form objects and substances that we call solid are actually made up of 99.99999% space.

What we perceive as our physical material world, is really not physical or material at all, in fact, it is far from it. This has been proven time and time again by multiple Nobel Prize (among many other scientists around the world) winning physicists, one of them being Niels Bohr, a Danish Physicist who made significant contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum theory.

“If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet. Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” – Niels Bohr

140104-16Everything is energy, including you. All that you are is energy, and when you start to perceive yourself in this way, as an almost ‘spiritual’ being untouched by space and time, and unrestricted by an apparently physical body, the barriers within you will begin to dissipate. A great way of helping you reach these levels of perception is through meditation and self-contemplation.

The atoms that make up your body are constantly vibrating at a very fast rate or ‘frequency’. If you are in a positive state of mind you will be vibrating at a very high frequency and this makes it very difficult for any negative energy to infiltrate you, but if you are unhappy or depressed and vibrating at a very low and slow frequency then you are open to all types of negative energy which will only serve to bring you even further down.

Based on this knowledge what we are at our essence is a vibrational being made up of pure energy, and collectively as the human race how we vibrate creates the reality around us. Basically the universe resonates with whatever vibration we are giving off. It does not matter if it is positive or negative, the universe will resonate.

The state of the world therefore is a result of the collective human consciousness. The current state of the world is a direct representation of the average vibration that humanity is operating from.

War, famine, scarcity, violence, hatred, frustration and conflict are all found in the world because they are found within the internal state of humanity.

Yet amidst all the conflict we are also witnessing something beautiful emerge. We are witnessing growth, love, kindness, expansion, forgiveness, and change; all originating in a desire arising from the depths of us all to return to our natural state so that we may move towards a future where all life can prosper. This is the energetic awakening that is occurring on the planet today.

Understanding the universe will not bring about change all by itself. It will allow us to see and comprehend the true nature of reality and of ourselves, but that alone will not change the world. The transformation truly begins when we start to understand the principles of the universe, and then apply those principles to our life.
The significance of this information is for us to wake up, and realize that we are all energy, radiating our own unique energy signature. Feelings, thoughts and emotions play a vital role, quantum physics helps us see the significance of how we all feel. If all of us are in a peaceful loving state inside, it will no doubt impact the external world around us, and influence how others feel as well.

Everything is Energy - Chinese Master

Feel love and abundance, and you will attract love and abundance. Spend your days doing what you are enthusiastic and passionate about, and you will manifest a life that allows you to pursue your enthusiasm and passions, whatever they may be.

All of this contributes directly to changing the world and due to the higher energetic nature of vibrations such as love, joy, and compassion.

Everything is energy.
You are energy.

Change your energy and you will change your life, and the world.

Kasim Khan, Team Spirit, Originally posted here

About the author: admin

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