The universe is full of wonder. There are quasars and iPhones and Elon Musk; with all of that going on, who says there isn’t enough for you to get your slice? Of course, the size of your slice of the pie may initially have a lot to do with blind luck–but a lot of lucky […]
Self doubt (and its twin, shame) It comes up constantly with clients though few will raise how it feels. They’re passionate souls who want to make a difference and know they’re good at what they do, but OMG when it comes to writing about it, talking about it or (even worse) selling it, all kinds […]
Anyone who has tried losing weight knows that dropping pounds is only half the battle. The real trick isn’t losing the weight, it’s keeping it off – permanently. When you change your diet and begin an exercise regimen, your body responds quickly. You can see and feel the physical changes over time. The numbers on the […]
Lightworkers are those who have an innate desire to spread ‘light,’ in other words, concepts such as freedom, intelligence, self-actualization, love, etc. This mission in life does not necessarily result in a therapeutic or spiritual career, but often the road naturally draws the lightworker toward these types of callings. The word ‘lightworker’ is often misunderstood. […]
Drinking plenty of water is essential for overall health, but not many people know that the temperature of the water they drink is what matters the most. There is a harsh debate going around medical and health circles. What is the proper temperature of the water you should drink? This may come as a surprise […]
1. Cheating. Affairs outside of your relationship are not normal unless you’ve established that they are. You cannot justify cheating unless you and your partner have had an open discussion about sleeping with people outside of your relationship and what the rules involved are. 2. Aggression. Your partner should not ever resort to sexual, […]
We are often our own worst enemies when it comes to stunting our success. What’s to blame? A lot of the time, it’s our tongue—and the excuses that spew from it. It is one of our most powerful tools, and we use it on a daily basis, often oblivious to the potential destruction it can […]
5 Common Mistakes You Make in a Conversation Here’s how to fix your bad speaking habits that can make or break your career success Do you show up to work every day, work to the best of your ability and always strive to be better? Great! But that might not be enough. Because your speaking […]
Let’s push it, let’s birth it. Let’s create and heal and risk the pain. I love the way you lead the way, the way you risk that disapproving sneer, the distasteful glare. I love the way you dive right into the fear of isolation and rejection, just to become the truth. Sure, we want to […]
We as human beings have a very strong self-centered aspect (even if it may not be truly ‘real’) of our beings called the ego, and many problems arise when this aspect of the human experience goes uncontrolled. Manipulation has always been a favored tool of the ego in order to get what it wants. This […]
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