The weak rand: How South Africans can live comfortably outside of their comfort zones.

The Weak Rand - by Dr John Demartini

The weak Rand is causing South Africans to relook at their lifestyles. These days, everything is more expensive, and it’s becoming more challenging to stretch their incomes to make ends meet. Human behaviourist Dr John Demartini offers some advice on how South Africans can adapt to this changing and challenging economic environmentThe current economic crisis is forcing South Africans out of their comfort zones, and this is also a blessing in disguise. The very challenges that come from being outside of their comfort zones can make them re-engage with a more meaningful life and look for high priority solutions. As they master their life’s challenges, they will feel a sense of accomplishment, raise their vitality and increase their self-worth. It has been proven that optimal growth occurs at the border of chaos and order, or discomfort and comfort, so they require a balance of what they perceive as a ‘comfort zone’ so as not to burn out, and also need a ‘discomfort zone’ so that they do not become bored and they take innovative action and grow.

One of the results of the current economic challenges is that many South Africans have become more focused on service. Many companies have had to restructure and prioritise their systems, communications and products in a different way to become more efficient and effective in delivering services. People have been coming up with new ideas and entrepreneurial opportunities have increased. Now that their economic futures appear uncertain, they have given themselves permission to go after their dreams and tackle those new business ideas they couldn’t consider when they had a secure income.

How South Africans can manage their fears in uncertain economic times

South Africans experience fear when they assume or perceive that there will be more negatives than positives in the outcomes of their futures. By taking the time to identify and list specifically what they fear and then ask themselves, how would they reduce the probability of that fearful event from occurring? Or, how, if it did occur, could they turn it into a great opportunity or blessing. For instance, if they were worried that they might lose their job, then they could ask themselves how that could benefit their lives.

For instance: could they move onto a more fulfilling one; could they finally start their own business and become an entrepreneur; could they awaken a greater desire to be of service to others; they could have time off to do the things they also really wanted to do; they could have an opportunity to rethink what they would love to do as a career and go after their true dream career; they could push to start a home based business or to do something completely different with your life; they could have a chance to discover the love and support of friends and family; they could have a chance to meet new people and take on new challenges which means a new energy to life… When they can see 25 benefits to losing their job, they will feel less stressed about the event occurring. The more benefits they chose to search for and see, the more they will reduce their fear.

They might initially think that this is impossible, but here there are always two sides to every event. There is never a crisis without a blessing. There is never a loss without a gain. There is never a scar without a star.

There is never a revealed discomfort without a hidden comfort. Finding the comfort within every discomfort is one of the keys to life mastery.

Originally published @ Dr Demartini .com

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