29Photo: Agent Illustrateur/Ikon Images/Getty Images How can we bounce back from tough times, criticism and conflict? Mentally strong people have a few core beliefs that bring them peace and resilience, says Amy Morin, LCSW in her new book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do. 1. Being mentally strong isn’t about acting tough. You don’t […]
If it’s true that some of us are naturally creative and some are not, what is it that sets those two groups apart? Psychologist Frank Barron intended to answer this question by conducting experiments on some of the most celebrated thinkers in the 1960s. This led to Barron spending several days living in a former […]
Sometimes headaches and tense muscles signal a more serious issue. Iron Deficiency Anemia Watch out for: Constant fatigue Lack of iron in your diet (or the body’s inability to absorb the mineral) can significantly drain your energy. Iron helps make red blood cells, which carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body; […]
Editor’s Note: This website is not designed to, and should not be construed to, provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion or treatment to you or any other individual, and is not intended as a substitute for medical or professional care and treatment. For serious. ~ Inflammation is a “hot” topic in medicine. It appears connected […]
Have you ever found yourself stuck in a rut that you just can’t seem to get out of for whatever reason? Things are going well in life, you’ve not much to complain about, but maybe something traumatic happened not long ago and you can’t seem to shake the effect it’s had on you. Oftentimes we […]
We often find ourselves criticizing our performance and appearance for years and years. How has that worked out for you? Chances are, it hasn’t. How about you try reframing your words and telling yourself that you can do it and see what happens? When you finally learn to throw out that negative self-talk, you finally […]
Spirituality is a huge topic of discussion lately as more and more people are awakening to a higher sense of truth and curiosity about the nature of the universe. Often, we hear people discussing the “Expansion of Consciousness”... But what exactly does that mean? Typically, whomever is speaking this aphorism is telling you to raise […]
How to Let Go of Your Past Forever By Robin Sharma #1 bestselling author of The Leader Who Had No Title Longer post today. But I will never waste your time. Reading this to the end will light a spark of uncommon belief that can ignite a fire of exceptional success. So please allow me […]
You must be wondering how Reiki and herbs can be connected and used on seeing the title of the topic, but from my personal experience herbs play a major role in opening the chakras, balancing or harmonizing them. In any Reiki healing session’s addition of herbs, oils or crystals will always enhance the vibrational pattern […]
7 Keys to a Flawless Conversation How to start, continue and end a talk The ability to hold a natural conversation is key to success in the professional world. Knowing when to initiate a discussion, keeping it interesting by asking effective questions, sharing your own stories and ending dialogue with kindness is an art. So, […]
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