You’re exhausted. Your breath is shallow. You’re clenching your teeth and your shoulders are in knots. And the next thing on your to-do list is to meditate. Feels like a joke, right? Sitting for meditation seems like last thing you can do when you’re stressed. And sitting still? Forget about it. You feel anxious just […]
This is the fascinating way that your brain makes space to build new and stronger connections so you can learn more. [Photo: NICHD/P. Basser] There’s an old saying in neuroscience: neurons that fire together wire together. This means the more you run a neuro-circuit in your brain, the stronger that circuit becomes. This is why, […]
Life gets tough sometimes. You start to feel like you’re on an emotional roller coaster after a bit. But did you know that those emotions can cause a decline in your physical health? Dr. Susan Babel, a psychologist that specializes in trauma-induced depression, wrote in Psychology Today, “Studies have shown that chronic pain might not […]
The truth is you’ll never be entirely free from your ego, however, you can create a harmonious union between your higher self and your egoistic self. Your consciousness is your higher self, or whole self(essentially its all of you), which is boundless and all knowing, and your ego is the limited self that only sees the […]
Yes Frequency by Gary Quinn There is a vibrational frequency inside your words, similar to the way your voice has a particular tone and the music of your tone influences how people react to you. The vibration and a frequency inside your words dictates how the universe perceives your intentions. In teaching The YES Frequency, […]
What brings joy to your life? What blessings are you grateful for? What fills your heart? Bringing more awareness to gratitude in our daily lives can have a very positive and uplifting effect. It helps us to see the joy that is ever present in our lives. The scent of a flower, a smile from […]
One of the most powerful energy-healing techniques, ThetaHealing® is a process of meditation that we believe creates physical, psychological, and spiritual healing using the Theta brain wave. While in a pure Theta state of mind, we are able to connect to the Creator of All That Is through focused prayer. It is through the Creator […]
For more videos on healing with energy click here (Youtube – Evolving Humans Channel) [themify_button style=”large purple embossed” link=”” ]For a healing session or assessment, contact us now![/themify_button] [themify_button style=”large Blue rounded embossed” link=”” ]For any computer support and website enquiries. Click here[/themify_button]
Elevated levels of certain proteins could be the answer. By Katie Golde|Thursday, October 30, 2014 Dan Kollmann/Shutterstock Multiple sclerosis strikes up to four times as many women as men. We may soon know why. Washington University School of Medicine researchers showed for the first time that women with MS have elevated levels of proteins that […]
“It is not happy people who are thankful. It is thankful people who are happy” The incredible power of gratitude. One of my little girls, Atiya had a kidney operation the other day because of hydronephrosis – blockage and swelling due to water retention in her left kidney. She is only 6, one of identical […]
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