5 Powerful Ways To Change Your Wealth Programming And Create A New Vibration About Money


Working with thousands of professional women in the past ten years around building more success, wealth, and reward, I’ve seen firsthand that it is our subconscious beliefs that often work against us – setting up hidden obstacles in the way of achieving what we consciously “think” we want, and blocking the path to our highest potential.  Thousands of people today, despite all their best efforts to succeed, grow, and thrive, end up failing financially, feeling hopeless and clueless about what to do differently to bring about a better outcome.  As a trained therapist, energy healer and coach (and in my own personal life), I’ve seen that when we can release our subconscious and energetic blocks to greater success, wealth, power, and self-trust, true transformation is possible.

Always on the lookout for new tools to help my clients help themselves, I was intrigued when I met Margaret M. Lynch, the author of Tapping Into Wealth: How Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Can Help You Clear the Path to Making More Money and heard her story.  After eighteen years of engineering management, Margaret Lynch left corporate America and with the help of Emotional Freedom Technique, (EFT, or “Tapping”), she specializes in supporting her clients to make the inner transformation that creates outer wealth and success. In less than four short years, Margaret has created a million dollar business using the techniques she teaches.

I devoured her book this past weekend, and found it a transformational experience.  I caught up with Margaret, and asked her to share her insights about the 5 most powerful ways to change your wealth programming, and create a new vibration around money.

Margaret shared these insights:

“If you want to increase your wealth, it’s important to recognize that money has a mind/body component that offers you the opportunity to take control of how much you have. Most people simply aren’t aware that they have been programmed their entire life to interact with money in a very specific way, but the rewards of acknowledging and changing this programming can reflect enormously in your bank account and in your successful business endeavors.”

To create an entirely new level of wealth, Margaret shares five recommended disciplines that will help you reach your goals if you commit to them as a daily practice.

1. Realize your current amount of income, savings and debt are the RESULT of your “inner wealth set-points.”

We look at how much we are earning and our savings and debt and tend to think they are the result of a variety of external factors beyond our control and mistakes we have made over the years.  When you realize that you started with precise wealth set-points and everything that has happened in your money has actually been a result of these set-points, you step back into control.  Instead of blaming yourself for mistakes of the past or avoiding money altogether, you can unravel these set-points and actively create new ones for yourself.

2. Get clear on your money paradigm.

Your set-points came from one place…your family.  So start to think back to your childhood and imagine watching a movie of your parents dealing with money, bills, finances, working.  Notice how your parents feel in this movie when they dealt with money and the kinds of things that they would have likely said.  Was there anxiety, worry, disappointment, fighting?  Were there any big traumas around money when you were growing up, like a divorce or death or child support battle or job loss?  If you could see yourself in the movie as a child, how did it impact you?  What did you learn?  How hard did you parents have to work for their money and did they ever get to enjoy it?  All of these questions will allow you to clarify exactly what money paradigm is programed into you both in terms of limiting beliefs AND in emotional reactions in dealing with money.

3. Self-diagnose any “financial traumas” and work them out.

Financial trauma is often lurking in our inflated debt or our deflated savings account and it will act like a dark storm cloud hovering over our finances—until we clear it away.  Look at your finances and see if there’s something that happened in the past about which you can say, “If that had not happened, I would be so much better off.”  If so, it’s likely that you’re still harboring burdensome emotions around your money, (sadness, guilt, fear, loss of trust and belief in yourself) and until you clear it out, it will be a drain on your energy, confidence AND wealth.  It’s almost impossible to implement a strategy for our debt reduction or savings growth, and bring all of our brilliance to it, when we have a financial trauma weighing us down.

4. Use a mind-body technique to shift a mind-body problem.

Many people are surprised that I use Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT) with business professionals and entrepreneurs, but this technique is needed for these areas because people do not act logically when it comes to their money. The topic of money often conjures strong emotions that can influence actions, and that is precisely why this is a mind/body problem.  Our nervous systems are wired to feel and act a certain way when it comes to money. Tapping lightly with your fingertips on acupuncture points, can create a shift in unconscious beliefs and negative emotions that unconsciously block your desires. Not only is tapping extremely easy to learn and use, but it’s an invaluable tool with immense transformational power in recreating your entire wealth picture.

5. Make new goals in your money and use “conscious will power” to stay on track.

Once you realize that you’ve been earning, spending and managing your money based on outdated rules that have been handed down through generations, you can free yourself to make new choices.  Set a new goal for your income and for your savings account and get clear about the difference between the two. Without limiting programming, your income and workload is based solely on your inner value.  Are you unique and valuable, or are you always “on sale?” It’s from your inner beliefs that all your actions flow – including asking to be paid what you are worth.  Challenge your inner belief and set a new, outrageous income goal to match. Once free from the programming that keeps you “living paycheck to paycheck,” creating a wealthy and healthy savings account is based solely on smart money management strategies.  After setting a new savings goal, you must clarify how badly you want it and how much energy, focus, ideas and willpower you are willing to bring to the table.  If you could bring even half of the achiever you are at work every day to your savings account goals, you are sure to succeed.”

If you feel as if you keep “striving but never arriving,” and that despite all your best-laid plans and efforts, you can’t seem to move the needle on your financial situation, I highly recommend opening to the idea that you have some internal work of releasing to do before external changes are possible.  I’ve found that Margaret’s book offers fresh strategies and techniques to get to the root of your specific money programming and rebuild it from the bottom up.

All the money strategies and tips in the world only go so far if you’re unknowingly blocking your own efforts.

For more information, visit www.MargaretMLynch.com and Tapping Into Wealth: How Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Can Help You Clear the Path to Making More Money.

Originally Posted @ Forbes

About the author: admin

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