As the years go by, our bodies change. An annoying change can be the addition of varicose and spider veins. They are unpleasant to the eye and can also be painful. According to the Chicago Vein Institute “More that 40 Million people in the United States suffer from varicose veins.” It is estimated that 50% […]
Suffering from piles is a common problem, but the condition is very treatable. This is what the doctor would do. Consulting your GP about piles is embarrassing, but suffering from haemorrhoids is actually a very common condition that can be managed quite effectively. Don’t suffer in silence Piles or haemorrhoids are very common in people […]
What Are the Akashic Records? by Helena Roman In theosophy and anthroposophy, the Akashic records are a compendium of thoughts, events, and emotions believed by Theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the astral plane. The term Akashic was coined in the late 19th century from Akasha or akasa, the […]
Is it possible to celebrate the season without packing on pounds? You bet! We found 10 simple strategies for preventing holiday weight gain (plus a painless way to actually knock off weight). Photo: Getty Images Beware the festive 15! Even if you have superhuman willpower, the holiday season is challenging for everyone. Staying on track […]
Every single moment you live—awake and aware inside your life—is another tiny (or huge) opportunity for healing, even your moments on Facebook. I recently opened up a discussion about this topic in one of my favorite healing groups on Facebook. In a virtual room full of healers and people doing healing work, you’re bound to […]
1. Are you hydrated? If not, have a glass of water. 2. Have you eaten in the past three hours? If not, get some food — something with protein, not just simple carbs. Perhaps some nuts or hummus? 3. Have you showered in the past day? If not, take a shower right now. 4. Have […]
Natural Weight Loss by Debbie McNeely We have long known that using visualization to reach a goal works. It’s been shown to work in sports with basketball players and tennis players visualizing their successful plays, over and over again, even when they cannot actually practice the moves, the act of visualization improves performance. Repeated visualization […]
Difference in Empath, Intuitive, Psychic, Medium and Healer By Lynn Zambrano What are the differences? The definitions have become interchanged and confused. Lets take a moment to review and clarify so that you will connect with the right reader and get the most from your session. Intuitive: Intuition is a right brain process that […]
Make sure you aren’t hurting your skills by trying too hard.When you go through your career, you’ll come face to face with traps that actually hinder you from developing your leadership skills instead of helping them.Here are five harmful ways that companies are diminishing your leadership skills. 1. Promotion without development People can get placed […]
The End of Control Did you listen? I did. And that is why I have decided to write what I am writing just now completely unscripted. I’m just typing what comes to me as thoughts pop into my head. I suppose I am getting intouch with my apple tree. This is my heart talking . […]
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