TONY ROBBINS: How to pull yourself out of a funk

At some point or another all of us have experienced a rough patch. The trick is to pick yourself up and keep going. Tony Robbins, bestselling author of “Money: Master The Game,” reveals the best way to get yourself out of a funk. Originally Posted @ Business Insider   [themify_button style=”large green embossed rounded” link=”” ]Get […]

Moving Beyond Being in Recovery

Moving Beyond Being in Recovery By Marcia Sirota MD I disagree with the disease model of addiction and with the idea that people are powerless against their addictions. Whether someone is an alcoholic, drug-addict, or compulsive eater, gambler or shopper, addiction is not a disease but a choice, albeit a dysfunctional one. Let me explain: […]

The Neuroscience of Self-Esteem

Self-hatred rarely accomplishes much of value.  With the rise of positive psychology, recent decades have seen a substantial cultural emphasis on the importance of self-esteem. Unfortunately, being told to keep liking ourselves, no matter what, hasn’t done a whole lot get us back on our feet when we hit a big ole’ bump in the […]