When you were a kid, you were asked the harmless question “what do you want to be when you grow up?” And the answers given were usually solitary in value- a doctor, a fireman, an astronaut. This type of question seems harmless to ask a child, but as we get older, the question remains but […]
At some point or another all of us have experienced a rough patch. The trick is to pick yourself up and keep going. Tony Robbins, bestselling author of “Money: Master The Game,” reveals the best way to get yourself out of a funk. Originally Posted @ Business Insider [themify_button style=”large green embossed rounded” link=”https://www.balancedthinking.co.za/index.php/contactform” ]Get […]
Using Mantras Let’s look at “the word.” It seems so trivial to simply look at the word. Yet, according to the bible … the beginning came from the word. What was the word? The word was with God. Looking deeper now into this, the word is actually light and sound vibrations; a frequency to explain in […]
In a special interview, Father Richard Rohr, founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation shares a few crucial, comforting insights about the people who have hurt us in the past. As told to Mamie Healey Photo: Vicky Emptage/Illustration Works/Getty Images 1. The People You Can’t Forgive Might Not Be Forgiven Today “Forgiveness is a […]
When you were little and people asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up, what did you tell them? Did you stick with the standard “doctor” or “veterinarian,” or did you shoot for the moon with “pop star” or “astronaut”? Whatever it was, I’d say for about 95 percent of you the […]
Moving Beyond Being in Recovery By Marcia Sirota MD I disagree with the disease model of addiction and with the idea that people are powerless against their addictions. Whether someone is an alcoholic, drug-addict, or compulsive eater, gambler or shopper, addiction is not a disease but a choice, albeit a dysfunctional one. Let me explain: […]
10 Ways Highly Sensitive People Use Sensitivities As An Advantage by Nicole Taffs Hollingshead It can take us years to figure out that we are highly sensitive people. The world doesn’t talk much about this type of person. There isn’t a lot of information out there on the topic. Even when discovering helpful information, we […]
SAT tutor Anthony-James Green wrote an essay for Vox about why his $1,000-per-hour students did better without him, leading him to make a career change. Below, he explains to Business Insider what it was like giving up such a lucrative job. In the spring, summer, and fall of 2014, I had a full roster of SAT tutoring […]
Getting rich is a long-term game. The good news is that starting to accumulate wealth is almost entirely under your control — all it takes is patience, the right mentality, and smart habits. If you want to master your money and build wealth, start by ditching these 13 costly habits as you head into 2016: […]
Self-hatred rarely accomplishes much of value. With the rise of positive psychology, recent decades have seen a substantial cultural emphasis on the importance of self-esteem. Unfortunately, being told to keep liking ourselves, no matter what, hasn’t done a whole lot get us back on our feet when we hit a big ole’ bump in the […]
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