You know that one of the best ways to grow your practice is to create a strong network of professionals that you trust, who trust you and who will send you referrals. You want to do that, but don’t want to feel like a spammy salesperson handing out your business cards to whoever will take […]
Does it feel like something is out of balance in your life? Maybe you’ve done a ton of healing work, you’ve read all the self-help books, you’ve meditated with the best of them, but still something feels off. Having difficulties doesn’t mean that you’re failing at being a spiritual person. Your life is simply showing you […]
You’re probably a pretty intelligent person. But you could very well be acting in ways that make you look like a complete idiot. To help you create the best impression possible among coworkers and clients, we rounded up nine common behaviors that outside observers may associate with low intelligence. Chances are you’ve been guilty of […]
BY GEOFFREY JAMES For the past two decades, my good friend and mentor Gerhard Gschwandtner (if you don’t know who he is, you’re not in sales) has been investigating the thought patterns of successful people and how to replicate them. In the process, he’s created a fascinating and (it seems to me) quite useful model of […]
Minimalists realize that the years we spend working, saving, paying a mortgage and needlessly accumulating a mass of ‘stuff’ don’t actually equate to happiness. They believe that our possessions only serve to distract us from what’s really important – living a full, meaningful and joyous life. Today the average US person has as much individual […]
Most people don’t trust themselves. Why would you have a fear about anything if you trusted yourself that you could get through it no matter what? You wouldn’t. I’d say 99% of people do not trust themselves. Trust, like anything else, comes from repetition. Trust is a habit. Let me give you an example. I […]
A wizard allows synchronicity to manifest. We cannot make synchronicities happen. It is in their very nature to occur “by coincidence.” We cannot control or manipulate the world in order to create synchronicities—their source is not of this world. Yet we can encourage their appearance; we can open ourselves to them. A wizard opens […]
Maintaining your health and optimum weight is a life-long project–one that is easier for some of us than others. If you’re not using the right herbs and spices in your fight against fat or physical pain, you are missing out! Too often, they are relegated to attractively-labeled but rarely-used bottles on dusty spice racks. That’s […]
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is one of the bestselling books in history, with over 65 million copies in 56 different languages. The story of Santiago, the shepherd boy on a journey to realize his “Personal Legend” has inspired people all over the world to live their dreams. Here are ten of the most popular […]
Are You an Emotional Empath? by Judith Orloff MD Empaths are highly sensitive, finely tuned instruments when it comes to emotions. They feel everything, sometimes to an extreme, and are less apt to intellectualize feelings. Intuition is the filter through which they experience the world. Empaths are naturally giving, spiritually attuned, and good listeners. If […]
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