Words Rosie Herdman | 11 Dec 2020 While a massage can address our bodily aches and pains, and foster a sense of calm for the duration of a session, another form of lighter touch is said to promote a deeper sense of relaxation and understanding within mind, body and soul. Reiki, a combination of two […]
The Difference Between Reiki and Intuitive Energy Healing One of the questions I get asked the most is, “What is the difference between Reiki and your Intuitive Energy Healing Sessions?” so I thought I’d write about it to share some further insights. Please keep in mind that my explanation below is specific to my practice […]
If you love birds, you’ll be happy to hear that their chirps and tweets can help you relax when you are feeling anxious – and just in general too. Why is bird music great for relaxation and anxiety? Bird sounds enforce a human’s innate connection with nature; when birds sing, we know we are safe […]
The movement to free up the weed is growing, thanks in large part to an ever-growing body of scientific research disproving the U.S. government’s assertion that cannabis has no medical value. Research has proven that medical cannabis has a positive effect in the prevention and treatment of cancer, as well as having a clear benefit […]
Current statistics show that women are much more likely to be medically diagnosed with depression than are men. Shockingly, and counter-intuitively, the figures also show that young men are up to four times more likely to kill themselves because of depression than are women. The suicide risk is highest for males between the ages of […]
What Are the Akashic Records? by Helena Roman In theosophy and anthroposophy, the Akashic records are a compendium of thoughts, events, and emotions believed by Theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the astral plane. The term Akashic was coined in the late 19th century from Akasha or akasa, the […]
What Is The Meaning of Hearing Frequencies? Have you noticed you’ve started to hear vibrations? Or maybe you’ve noticed a buzz in one of your ears, or heard a high pitched frequency? If you have and you’re like most people, you have likely wondered about the cause. This sort of sensation can be a bit […]
Difference in Empath, Intuitive, Psychic, Medium and Healer By Lynn Zambrano What are the differences? The definitions have become interchanged and confused. Lets take a moment to review and clarify so that you will connect with the right reader and get the most from your session. Intuitive: Intuition is a right brain process that […]
Using Mantras Let’s look at “the word.” It seems so trivial to simply look at the word. Yet, according to the bible … the beginning came from the word. What was the word? The word was with God. Looking deeper now into this, the word is actually light and sound vibrations; a frequency to explain in […]
Moving Beyond Being in Recovery By Marcia Sirota MD I disagree with the disease model of addiction and with the idea that people are powerless against their addictions. Whether someone is an alcoholic, drug-addict, or compulsive eater, gambler or shopper, addiction is not a disease but a choice, albeit a dysfunctional one. Let me explain: […]
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