Chakras play a role in the flow of energy in your body. Running from the base of your spine to the top of your head, the seven main chakras each correspond to specific nerve bundles and organs in your body. When one or more of your chakras becomes blocked or unbalanced, it’s thought to […]
They’re more alike than they are different. FDA panel recommends authorization for 2nd COVID-19 vaccine The Food and Drug Administration is expected to order an emergency use authorization for Mod… With front-line doctors receiving the Pfizer vaccine and Moderna’s vaccine on the cusp of authorization by the Food and Drug Administration, Americans may be wondering: […]
Current statistics show that women are much more likely to be medically diagnosed with depression than are men. Shockingly, and counter-intuitively, the figures also show that young men are up to four times more likely to kill themselves because of depression than are women. The suicide risk is highest for males between the ages of […]
As the years go by, our bodies change. An annoying change can be the addition of varicose and spider veins. They are unpleasant to the eye and can also be painful. According to the Chicago Vein Institute “More that 40 Million people in the United States suffer from varicose veins.” It is estimated that 50% […]
Suffering from piles is a common problem, but the condition is very treatable. This is what the doctor would do. Consulting your GP about piles is embarrassing, but suffering from haemorrhoids is actually a very common condition that can be managed quite effectively. Don’t suffer in silence Piles or haemorrhoids are very common in people […]
Is it possible to celebrate the season without packing on pounds? You bet! We found 10 simple strategies for preventing holiday weight gain (plus a painless way to actually knock off weight). Photo: Getty Images Beware the festive 15! Even if you have superhuman willpower, the holiday season is challenging for everyone. Staying on track […]
1. Are you hydrated? If not, have a glass of water. 2. Have you eaten in the past three hours? If not, get some food — something with protein, not just simple carbs. Perhaps some nuts or hummus? 3. Have you showered in the past day? If not, take a shower right now. 4. Have […]
Natural Weight Loss by Debbie McNeely We have long known that using visualization to reach a goal works. It’s been shown to work in sports with basketball players and tennis players visualizing their successful plays, over and over again, even when they cannot actually practice the moves, the act of visualization improves performance. Repeated visualization […]
It’s a bitter truth that sweet is not actually sweet taking in consideration that sweet leads to diabetes, cancer, dementia, depression, acne, infertility, heart disease, and the list doesn’t stop here. Statistical data are frightening: 152 pounds of sugar are consumed yearly by the average American. Today, the average American man weighs 195.5 pounds, and […]
You know that one of the best ways to grow your practice is to create a strong network of professionals that you trust, who trust you and who will send you referrals. You want to do that, but don’t want to feel like a spammy salesperson handing out your business cards to whoever will take […]
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