“I trust that everything happens for a reason, even if we are not wise enough to see it. When there is no struggle, there is no strength.” Oprah Winfrey The well-known Greek Philosopher Aristotle, believed that everything happens for a reason, always. And that every experience in your life, was designed to shape you and reform you […]
Solid matter as we conventionally understand it does not exist in the universe. For all particles are merely vibrations of energy. Even the atoms that form objects and substances that we call solid are actually made up of 99.99999% space. What we perceive as our physical material world, is really not physical or material at all, in […]
Scientifically we are all aware of electric energy, heat energy, kinetic energy, light energy and potential energy, but what about subtle energy or universal energy? Only a few can see it, but can we all feel it? The hippies called it a good or bad vibe. We talk about a spark in a relationship, or […]
1. “Everyone’s depressed.” No, everyone gets depressed sometimes. It’s normal to feel the repercussion of a bad day — when your boss yells at you and some guy you’re dating just said something marginally offensive over text (“aww you’re so cute!”) and your cat pooped in the shower. And those problems are real! But diagnosed […]
Acupuncture, reiki and aromatherapy were once dismissed as mumbo jumbo by the medical establishment but doctors say demand for complementary therapies is burgeoning in WA. A decade ago when someone was diagnosed with cancer the only thing that mattered was surviving, but health experts say more patients are turning to “softer medicine” to take some […]
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