Your Cells Are Listening

How Talking to Your Body Helps You Heal “Every part of your body has its own consciousness or its own soul.” These transformative words, spoken by indigenous medicine women, began my journey within to discover the extraordinary healing capacity of the human body. When this perspective was introduced to me, I was suffering from a […]

The Purpose of Depression and Disease

What is the Underlining Purpose of Depression and Disease? Everything happens for a reason, including health challenges of the mind and body. Although this may be difficult to accept, my view is that we make ourselves sick and miserable looking for love and attention outside ourselves. We learn from a young age to seek mom […]


THE HEALING POWER OF REIKI The word Reiki is a combination of two Japanese words: Rei, which means "a higher power's wisdom," and Ki, which is the energy of life force.SHUTTERSTOCK This article, by Issue Editor Trevor Courneen and excerpted from explores the power of Reiki and of an open mind. Hands are, deceptively, the most […]