Moving Beyond Being in Recovery By Marcia Sirota MD I disagree with the disease model of addiction and with the idea that people are powerless against their addictions. Whether someone is an alcoholic, drug-addict, or compulsive eater, gambler or shopper, addiction is not a disease but a choice, albeit a dysfunctional one. Let me explain: […]
Hormones, your diet, even Facebook—they can all toy with your emotions. Take charge and prime yourself for ultimate mental well-being. Photo: Getty Images Our moods color how we see the world. Sadly, many women will struggle with clinical depression (almost 13 percent) or anxiety (about 33 percent) at some point in their lives. In this […]
Plugging Into Creative Genius by Michael Neill | Apr 4, 2016 Originally published @ Michael Neill [themify_button style=”large green embossed rounded” link=”” ]Looking for more? Raise your vibration with a free assessment or session with us. Click here[/themify_button] [themify_button style=”large Blue rounded embossed” link=”” ]For any computer support and website enquiries. Click here[/themify_button]
3 Mineral Waters That Can Remove Aluminum from the Brain There has been a dramatic increase in neurological diseases linked to aluminum toxicity. The blood brain barrier doesn’t stop aluminum’s intrusion into our gray matter. Aluminum accumulates and remains in tissue that doesn’t have a rapid cellular turnover. Apoptosis is the natural cell death and […]
10 Ways Highly Sensitive People Use Sensitivities As An Advantage by Nicole Taffs Hollingshead It can take us years to figure out that we are highly sensitive people. The world doesn’t talk much about this type of person. There isn’t a lot of information out there on the topic. Even when discovering helpful information, we […]
SAT tutor Anthony-James Green wrote an essay for Vox about why his $1,000-per-hour students did better without him, leading him to make a career change. Below, he explains to Business Insider what it was like giving up such a lucrative job. In the spring, summer, and fall of 2014, I had a full roster of SAT tutoring […]
Getting rich is a long-term game. The good news is that starting to accumulate wealth is almost entirely under your control — all it takes is patience, the right mentality, and smart habits. If you want to master your money and build wealth, start by ditching these 13 costly habits as you head into 2016: […]
Self-hatred rarely accomplishes much of value. With the rise of positive psychology, recent decades have seen a substantial cultural emphasis on the importance of self-esteem. Unfortunately, being told to keep liking ourselves, no matter what, hasn’t done a whole lot get us back on our feet when we hit a big ole’ bump in the […]
We have been given three gifts that can make life beautiful, all of which are found in the mind. Some have even said, “I think therefore I am,” so it goes to show the conscious choice we make with our mind is of utmost importance. Here is a little more about those three gifts of […]
Albert Einstein is quoted as saying: “there are two ways you can live your life…as if nothing is a miracle or as if everything is a miracle”. The matrix we live in can be challenging. Everywhere around you there’s oodles of reasons why to be invested in the drama – it seems everybody else is […]
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