If you love birds, you’ll be happy to hear that their chirps and tweets can help you relax when you are feeling anxious – and just in general too. Why is bird music great for relaxation and anxiety? Bird sounds enforce a human’s innate connection with nature; when birds sing, we know we are safe […]
Our decision making in all areas of life comes from unconscious aspects of our minds. If there’s something you are overly anxious or numb about, there may be an underlying emotion that you’ve repressed or are unconscious about. If you’re constantly unhappy, or constantly in toxic relationships with your friends and family members, then perhaps […]
It’s a statistic that is often repeated over and over again, the notion that we “only use 10% of our brains.” It’s the premise for many Hollywood films and television series; that if we could only somehow channel the rest of our brain’s power we would be superhuman or possess some sort of psychic ability. […]
The Triad – Physiology, Focus, Language – Anthony Robbins Tony says, ‘The Triad – The three patterns that create any emotion.’ 1 – Your Physiology (What you do with your body) Emotion is created by motion. Whatever you’re feeling right now is related to how you’re using your body. Stand up! Reach your arms […]
Thirst may be annoying at times, but it should never go ignored. Water actually makes up over two-thirds of the healthy human body. It lubricates the joints and eyes, aids digestion, flushes out waste and toxins, and keeps the skin healthy (1). That’s why you should always make sure to drink water throughout the day […]
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