The Truth About Avoiding Conflict Is Avoiding Conflict Possible? Lots of people are afraid of “ conflict ” and make every effort to avoid it. The problem is, they don’t really understand what it is they’re avoiding. People who avoid conflict become extremely uncomfortable at the thought of a disagreement, or of someone getting angry at […]
I’m hearing from people around the world right now that the path is taking you deep into process. My heart is with you! Fear not, it is necessary. You can’t truly access the New Paradigm without regressing into and processing deep seated ‘Source Pain’ and Karma. This is subconscious conditioning that projects out into your […]
The Triad – Physiology, Focus, Language – Anthony Robbins Tony says, ‘The Triad – The three patterns that create any emotion.’ 1 – Your Physiology (What you do with your body) Emotion is created by motion. Whatever you’re feeling right now is related to how you’re using your body. Stand up! Reach your arms […]
“Sometimes you don’t realize your own strength until you come face to face with your greatest weakness.” – Susan Gale No doubt about it – this life will chew you up and spit you out from time to time. However, just because you go through struggles, does not mean you have to give up on life […]
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