The Truth About Avoiding Conflict Is Avoiding Conflict Possible? Lots of people are afraid of “ conflict ” and make every effort to avoid it. The problem is, they don’t really understand what it is they’re avoiding. People who avoid conflict become extremely uncomfortable at the thought of a disagreement, or of someone getting angry at […]
I’m hearing from people around the world right now that the path is taking you deep into process. My heart is with you! Fear not, it is necessary. You can’t truly access the New Paradigm without regressing into and processing deep seated ‘Source Pain’ and Karma. This is subconscious conditioning that projects out into your […]
What is the Underlining Purpose of Depression and Disease? Everything happens for a reason, including health challenges of the mind and body. Although this may be difficult to accept, my view is that we make ourselves sick and miserable looking for love and attention outside ourselves. We learn from a young age to seek mom […]
You’ll never plow a field by turning it over in your mind. ~ Irish Proverb In ordinary language, the word “rumination” sometimes means “pondering” or “reflection,” both of which can be normal and healthy ways of considering something carefully. In the psychology world, we use the term “rumination” to refer to negative, repetitive, prolonged, unhelpful […]
“I trust that everything happens for a reason, even if we are not wise enough to see it. When there is no struggle, there is no strength.” Oprah Winfrey The well-known Greek Philosopher Aristotle, believed that everything happens for a reason, always. And that every experience in your life, was designed to shape you and reform you […]
Solid matter as we conventionally understand it does not exist in the universe. For all particles are merely vibrations of energy. Even the atoms that form objects and substances that we call solid are actually made up of 99.99999% space. What we perceive as our physical material world, is really not physical or material at all, in […]
Scientifically we are all aware of electric energy, heat energy, kinetic energy, light energy and potential energy, but what about subtle energy or universal energy? Only a few can see it, but can we all feel it? The hippies called it a good or bad vibe. We talk about a spark in a relationship, or […]
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